Sunday 26 April 2009

Basic Plot

The basic plot of our opening is based on three characters. A young girl and her parents. It is clear by the opening that domestic violence plays a huge part.

Our opening focuses on two scenes the park, which sits the lonely, innocent, little girl and a dark room which shows anger, violence between the little girls parents. However this is only shown in shadows as we thought this would be a lot more effective and not give away too much. We wanted to keep the audince guessing and give a sense of curiosity as to what is actually going on. It may not be clear to the audince that this man and woman are infact the girls parents but we want the story to unfold as it gets further into the film. The little girl appears innocent now however, the past can make someone who they are in this case, this little girl grows up, differently, due to the actions of her parents. Our thriller explores the physcological reasons behind the little girls behaviour and why she does what she does, starting from the very beginning.

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