Sunday 26 April 2009


Feedback was really important and good to get a range of people's opinions our thriller opening to see what our audience though of it whether it needed to be improved and how we would go about it. To do this we took our thriller into class to get some constuctive criticism.

The positive feedback we got consister of:

  • Good matching of the action to soundtrack.
  • Great locations that fitted with our opening.
  • Smooth transitions.
  • Shadows really effective.
  • Variety of shots.
  • Soundtrack was a great choice.
  • Good choice of chacter costume.
  • Lighting really effective.


  • Could of made it a little bit longer.
  • Title pages on too long.
  • Could of been a smoother transition on one of the first shots.

This helped us a lot as we managed to adjust the timing of our title pages and edit the first couple of shots to get everything right. However we kept the timing of our film the same as we didnt want to add anything else to our opening.
Overall, i was really pleased with the feedback we got, having the feedback come from our tagert audience aswell 15-18 really helped and made us feel satisfied with our opening and confidence we had got it right.

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