Sunday, 26 April 2009

Second Day Of Shooting


Due to peoples busy schedules we ended up filming the room scene at chloe's instsead we used the back wall on chloe's landing and this seemed to work pretty well.
It took us a while to figure out how to light up the backwall so we got the shadows the way we wanted. We used a number of lamps and tried to reflect them onto the wall to create the shadow effect. We did eventually get them to look right and effective. Chloe and her brother played the parts of the mother and father we managed to have her brother shadow looking alot larger than chloe's representing his dominant superior character in contrast to chloe's weakness.
We also used the baseball bat in some shots this was really effective.
This took us a fair few hours to do but we were happy with the results.
We even added in a shot of chloe slumped at the bottom of the stairs and did a tightening shot on this, just so we had a lot of options and thing we could edit and add in if needed.

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